Friday, November 12, 2010

After reading "Courtney Franklin's" blog post "Should Cyber Bullying Lead to Prison?" i completely agree that if a bullying leads to a death, they should be send to prison or should be count as a 3rd degree murder (if such thing exist).

A survey of a middle and high school students found that children who are bullied have the highest rates of anxiety, depression and school absences. By contrast, children not at all involved in cyberbullying have the highest self-esteem and grades and the fewest symptoms of health problems.

Because cyberbullying can range from rude comments to lies, impersonations, and threats, your responses may depend on the nature and severity of the cyberbullying. Adults may not always be present in the online environments of children and youth. Therefore, it is extremely important that adults pay close attention to cyberbullying and the activities of children and youth.

Resource: Cyberbullying Research Center, Cox Communication

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