Friday, October 15, 2010

Firearms on campuses ?

“I honestly think, in all my heart, this will make our campuses safer,” said State Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston in the article on; “Debate renewed over guns on campus after University of Texas shooting”, just like selling condoms on campuses helps students to have safe sex in school ? okay there is something seriously wrong here, I don’t know where all this going ? guns and sex on campuses ?

Advocates for allowing concealed guns on campuses say if more people packed heat, it's more likely one of them could stop a gunman before he hurts anyone. They hear there’s a shooter, they go into the classroom, and there are eight people there with guns. How do you know who the perpetrator is when they all have a guns ?

My point is, we should not allow students to carry firearms on campuses – period. Its a job for officials to keep everyone safe so we should let them take care of that. It's not just about being able to carry a gun. You have to be a skilled shooter in order to prevent even more injuries. If someone gets hit by a bullet you fired, even if it was an accident and your intention was to stop a campus shooter, you would still be responsible for that injury or death.

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